2021 winter throwdown

We love competitions. They bring our community together, and provide an opportunity to kick it up a notch. Our December 2021 San Francisco Throwdown was a different undertaking, because we opened up CrossFit Mission Bay to CrossFitters from all over the San Francisco Bay Area. The field is really a great place to hold a CrossFit competition in San Francisco because of how well it can accommodate a large number of athletes.

Our San Francisco Throwdown consisted of male and female divisions, competing at three different skill standards: Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3.

WOD 1.A: "Hella Fast"

9 min AMRAP

15 Cal Row

15 Double DB Box Step Overs

15 Double DB Shoulder-to-overhead

Level 3: 24/20”, 50/35

Level 2: 24/20”, 35/25

Level 1: 10/10 calories, 20/20”, 25/15

Movement Standards

Cal Row

At the start of the WOD is when the athlete can grab the handle and start rowing. The screen must be reset to zero every time before starting the row again, this can be done by the athlete and/or the judge, but no one else. It is not until the calories are completed that the athlete can stand up from the rower and move on to the next movement.

Level 3 and Level 2 Men and Women: 15 cal row

Level 1 Men and Women: 10 cal row

Double Dumbbell Box Step Overs

The rep begins by picking up both dumbbells and stepping onto the box. Both feet must touch the top of the box (no hip extension is necessary), and the rep ends when both feet touch the floor on the other side of the box. The athlete may hold the dumbbells any way (i.e. farmer carry, front rack, resting on DBs. The dumbbells cannot touch the box during the repetition.

Level 3 Men: 50 lbs, 24” box / Level 3 Women: 35 lbs, 20” box

Level 2 Men: 35 lbs, 24” box / Level 2 Men: 25 lbs, 20” box

Level 1 Men: 25 lbs, 20” box/ Level 1 Women: 15 lbs, 20” box

Double Dumbbell Shoulder-to-Overhead

The rep begins with the dumbbells in the front rack position and then ends with the dumbbells extended over the midline with full knee, hip, and elbow extension. Strict press, push press, push jerk, and split jerk are all acceptable ways to complete the rep as long as the feet are returned to starting position before lowering down the dumbbells.

WOD 1.B “Hella Heavy”

Immediately following WOD 1.A...

6 min to find

1 rep max Ground-to-Overhead


Level 1,2,3 Men- 45 lbs oly bar + bumper plates + 5lbs and 2.5lbs change plates

Level 1,2,3 Women -35 lbs oly bar + bumper plates + 5lbs and 2.5lbs change plates

Workout flow/ Movement Standards

At the end of the 9 min mark for WOD 1.A, the 6 min clock begins for WOD 1.B.

The bar will be empty at the start of the clock. Weights will be provided at each station.

Once the athlete lifts the bar from the ground to over their head, with control at the top, feet inline with the body, knee, hip, and elbow extension, the weight will count. Athletes can take as many attempts as desired within the time cap. If the athlete is mid-attempt when the time cap ends, the rep is still good as long as the weight came off the floor before the time ends.

The best successful attempt will be the athlete’s score. Any style can be used to bring the weight from the ground-to-overhead. No plates smaller than 2.5lbs can be used.

WOD 2: “Catching the Muni”

For Time: (10 min cap)

15 Snatches

15 Lateral Bar Burpees

50 m Shuttle Run

Advance bar…

12 Snatches

12 Lateral Bar Burpees

50 m Shuttle Run

Advance bar...

9 Snatches

9 Lat Bar Burpees

50 m Shuttle Run

WOD is finished when the athlete runs past their barbell

Lv1: 65/45

Lv2: 95/65

Lv3: 135/85

Movement Standards:


Every rep must come from the floor, and finish in a “locked out” position with the arms, hips and knees extended. A power, squat, or split snatch are all acceptable, as long as feet are returned to their original position at the end of the lift. A “press out” of the arms is also OK.

*Level 1 female athletes will be required to take the bar down past their knees every rep, not to the floor.

Lateral Bar Burpee:

Level 3 and Level 2:

Athlete starts by lying chest down parallel to the barbell and then jumps over the bar using a two-foot-takeoff. The chest must clearly come in contact with the ground, the rep is completed when they have landed on the other side of the barbell. No hip extension is required.

Level 1:

Stepping over one foot at a time is acceptable.

Shuttle Run:

After completing the required amount of lateral bar burpees, the athlete will run forward toward the opposite end of the field, touch the line with their hand, turn around and run past their bar to the other end of the field, touch the line with their hand, and then return to their bar. Then, they will roll their bar to the next station to start on the next round of snatches.

WOD 3: Final

Workout movement

This WOD is for the top 5 only of each division

Level 3:

2 min AMRAP

50 Double under buy-in

Max rep Bar Muscle-ups

1 min rest

2 min AMRAP

50 Double under buy-in

Max rep Chest-to-bar pull-ups

Level 2:

2 min AMRAP

25 Double under buy-in

Max rep Chest-to-bar pull-ups

1 min rest

2 min AMRAP

25 Double under buy-in

Max rep Pull-ups

Level 1:

2 min AMRAP

50 Single under buy-in

Max rep Pull-ups

1 min rest

2 min AMRAP

50 Single under buy-in

Max rep Knee raises


2022 Halloween partner wod


Names and Scores on the Board